My grandson Jay lives at Brigham Young University with his parents. His Dad, Mark, happens to be a huge BYU fan. This is marginally understandable since Mark has been a student at BYU for the last several years.
The problem is that the University of Utah happens to be the favorite school of someone else in the family—me!
A couple of years before my first grandchild was born, I bought 2 red University of Utah onesies for my future grandchildren. And then, forgot that I had them.
Poor Bridge did not have the opportunity to wear one of those cute red onesies.
I could not let that happen again with Jay.
Just one problem—getting access to Jay without his parents knowing what I was going to do to their baby!
They were living about 1 1/2 hours away, so we didn't have the opportunity to have him to ourselves until one day when KJ wanted to surprise Mark by taking him to see a new movie that had been released. She asked us to come to their apartment to babysit while they went to the movie. I said, "Sure, we'll come--but you have to take Ty to the movie with you!" Not really. I just asked if he could go with them and she said yes.
This was going to be perfect!
We bought a small University of Utah football, packed up the camera and U of U onesie and drove to their apartment.
As soon as little Jay was fed and happy, I put the onesie on him, posed him with the football, had my husband try to get him to smile, and took a bunch of pictures. Jay was so happy to be wearing the true colors that getting him to smile was not hard at all!
Then, we put his pajamas on him and put all of the evidence back in my truck so that his parents would not suspect that we had taken these pictures.
As soon as possible, I ordered an 8 x 10 and I hung it in our family room with all of the other family pictures. Then, I just waited for them to notice it the next time that they came to our house.
A month or so later, we had Ty’s 16th birthday party and we were all sitting in the family room just talking and goofing around when all of a sudden Kj kicked me in the leg! I was shocked and looked at her with a “What the heck did you do that for?” look and she laughed as she pointed at the wall where Jay’s awesome U of U portrait was hanging.
Then, we all were cracking up.
Well, most of us were. Mark looked more like he was in pain. (Okay, not really. He kind of--sort of laughed).
Some more of the cute pics: